Day 21 in the Love Easton house.
8.30 am - Two members of ProjectEaston have an early start, heading over to one of the local schools to run a workshop with one of the year nine classes. The team brought photos of shops along stapleton road and instigate a painting and drawing session. The class are asked to design new signs for each shop, in the hope of brightening up the main thoroughfare.
9.45 am - Team all back together. Sit down to work out the document contents and layout, page by page. This is followed by an Indesign tutorial for those who haven't used the program before.
Tick Tock Tim heads out with a shopping list (50 items) for the exhibition. Never seen again.
Afternoon - ProjectEaston members work on various things for the document and exhibition.
4pm - Tick Tock arrives back and.... finally manages to rip a yellow pages in two! Blogger muses on whether the three previous days of trying to do this lessens the success somewhat.
5pm - Food fuddle banner is hoisted in the shop window and Bex sets about making a pumpkin suprise for the evening.
6pm - Fuddle begins! The evening is really successful, mainly due to the heroic marketing efforts of Poppy. A local shop owner donates much of the food and gave us a masterclass in Somali cooking.